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Building and road machines

The faculty was founded in 1958 on the basis of the Faculty of Railway Construction. Its first enrollment was 100 students (major: Lifting, Hoisting and Road Building Machines). The first Dean was Roman V. Sablin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor.

Faculty Today
• 175 first-year students
• 680 full-time students
• 32 specialist rooms and training laboratories

Currently, the faculty provides training in five majors:
• Lifting, hoisting, construction and road-building machines
• Technical maintenance and service of transport and technological machines (construction, road-building and communal machines)
• Standardization and Certification
• Motor vehicles and motor vehicle facilities
• Machine-building technology
The faculty trains engineers in the above-mentioned majors.

Main research-and-production trends:
• creation, evaluation and modernization of hoisting equipment, construction and road machines and automobiles
• service, technical maintenance and repair of transport technological machines and complexes
• certification and standardization of railway transport units
• elaboration of normative-technical documentation

The faculty comprises four departments:
• Mechanization of railway, loading/unloading and construction work
• Technologies of transport machine-building and exploitation of machines
• Electrical engineering, diagnostics and certification
• History and Political Science

Among the staff of the faculty are 16 Doctors of Sciences, Professors and 40 Candidates of Sciences, Assistant Professors. All the departments are headed by Doctors of Sciences.

About 3,000 specialists have graduated from the faculty.

Among the graduates are presidents of joint-stock companies, directors of enterprises, deputy heads of railway divisions and deputies of the Regional Council.

Ïîñëåäíåå îáíîâëåíèå 04.04.2019